Sponsored by United States Agency for International Development and Mexico government, Michigan State University, Autonomous University of Yucatan and Guangzhou Wolbaki Biotech Co., Ltd. have established a mosquito factory in Merida, Mexico, in which millions of transinfected males are produced per week for population suppression of A. aegypti to combat arbovirus transmission (Martin-Park, et al. 2020. PLoS NTD; Che-Mendoza, et al. 2021. J Med Entomol). This factory is currently the largest one in Latin America.

In a hybrid technology, Wolbahcia-infected males are released to induce sterility for population suppression, followed by seeding with Wolbachia-infected virus-resistant females to trigger population replacement. Finally, male mosquitoes carrying the 2nd Wolbachia strain are released to maintain a low mosquito population that will not support virus circulation. The number in X axis indicates time.